Saturday, October 21, 2006

Deep Down into you!

Amazing, I just can describe it like that. Seeing Lila Downs is one thing, Listening to her is glorious but beeing with her (I mean a picture!) is awsome. This Woman is provided with a beautiful voice and the enchant of the miracle that emerges from her songs. Invited to the new Olmecan festival, Lila Downs made a riot among public when started chanting and beating an old drum to the rythm of "Arenita". She said that this moment will be shared with her fans thru her site on the web. For me, this moment will last forever, I've already tell al of my friends what just happened to me. My daughter's mom said, "pretentious one, send me all the pictures", and that is just what I'll do.
*"Lila, la bella cantante,
yo soy el fuego en tu vientre,
la lluvia impetuosa que te moja.
Déjame ser tan sólo esta noche,
tan sólo un instante,
la voz suave y tersa
que recorre tus labios.
Déjame ser en tu cama
tu único amante..."
William Margaux

Friday, October 20, 2006

This boots were made for walking!

Every history has its hero. Or a good beginning. And this is not the exception. No man could go further without a good pair of shoes that restraint nothing the phase of an amusing trip. Now, it's another morning, and I'm gonna walk out my door to face the adventure of my inner solitude struggling with my own ghosts. I still miss my two ladies, are they thinking on me now? Perhaps I will never see them again, and that thought brings me an immense sadness. No matter what I feel, I just have to put myself into my boots. Carry on!

Chronicle of a taco quarrel

The crime took the reign on the streets of Cabada (small town near to my small town). One dull day a few outlaws were eating tacos at a corner. Then suddenly discerned 4 cops trying to reach them. Suddenly one of them pulled out the revolver he killed the officer with. The 3 officers left fled from the site of the murder, and the assassins get in the police patrol and hit the road to a place named El Pital where they conceled themselves from authorities. Mexican federal police was incompetent in this case, most of the outlaws are still fugitives from justice. As a final notation, this journalist was threatened by 2 of the criminals but I'm still standing!!!!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Classical Mexican Rascal

After a few drinks of the cheapest mexican beer that moisturize the throat of any "paisano" (country man), is quite common that the heat resulting from intoxicate your brain ends up in fights and criminal activities like the one you're seeing. Although there was police presence in the area of the incident, no police officer acted for stopping the violence for there was a "machete" waving out. One friend said, "this is Mexico, dude. And this is the way we like it".